Then complete the sentence with “Therefore recreational time through the students’ schedule might have detrimental effects.”
Also, not the greater amount of vocabulary that is specific.
I’m speaing frankly about “schedule”
So that it shows the examiner I’ve got vocabulary that is rich.
“Many people say that globalization and the growing number of multinational companies have a negative influence on the environment.”
“to what extent for you agree or disagree.”
“Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.”
So what’s the crooks associated with the question?
“That globalization and multinational companies are damaging environmental surroundings. Having a bad effect.”
So first: Globalization, definitely damaging the environmental surroundings.
I could be long. I possibly could give a lengthy and complex, more answer that is accurate that:
“Globalization is enhancing the price of world economic resources which is therefore enhancing the cost of substitute products (or rival products) such as ecological energy from wind farms… blah, blah, blah…”
Nevertheless the examiner does care n’t. Yeah?
He really wants to see just something logical.
So I’m just planning to take route that is simple.
Let’s go. This really is my idea:
“Increased interaction between countries”
“Leads to boost products or services traded”
“Which means more production”
“Therefore more resource extraction” (such as for example mining)…
Maybe I’ll remove that in my final sentence ’cause then i possibly could just talk about the example, which would be:
“For example, in China (largely considered the workshop of the world), in a lot of cities polluting of the environment masks are required to commute across the city center.”
So therefore, I’ve proved my point. I said that globalization is damaging the environment.
Also it’s an easy task to follow.
Next, I need certainly to get back to the question ’cause I wanted to test.
The second point was about multinationals.
Yet again, I’ve taken the route that is simple. It says,
“Multinationals have the effect of undesireable effects into the environment.”
It’s quite a big statement to say that. But I’m just gonna say “yes.”
I’m just planning to say “yes” given that it’s simple.
I’m getting points for my language, not when it comes to quality of my ideas.
“Yes, multinationals do increase pollution.”
“Globalization requires solutions that are globalthese could have drastic consequences if accidents happen).”
Of course I’m going to enhance it a bit that is little that’s the main section of my argument.
It says, “A negative effect into the environment” when you look at the question.
Here, I’ve put “increased pollution” more or less is saying.”
I’ve put “destroyed informative post the ecosystem that is local within my example.
Within my example, I talk about:
The Gulf Coast Of Florida
The oil pill (a few years back)
… destroyed the local system.
It proves my point.
And in the event that you’ve caught them before, I said “drastic consequences” merely another collocation there.
Once more, be in a solid plan together,
place in down the points,
thinking about an example which will correspond,
then I’ve got 2 solid paragraphs.
Now, all I have to do is my conclusion and my introduction.
That we can draw from the physical body paragraphs.
“Parents desire to achieve balance between family career but only a manage that is few achieve it.”
“What do you believe is the reason?”
“Discuss possible solutions and offer examples.”
Now, we’ve got the problem and a possible solution.
So that the paragraph that is first be what’s the reason why there is a challenge searching for the total amount between family and career.
My paragraph that is second will suggest solutions.
This is very important.
I’ve paid attention to your relevant question and each paragraph will correspond
into the question,
into the elements of the question,
structures associated with question,
and so I’m going to get points for Task Response.
Let’s take a glance.
“The first reasons why there clearly was an imbalance…”
Notice as well, I used the negative type of the verb.
It says, “It’s difficult to achieve a balance,” so I said,“The good basis for the imbalance…”
“… is basically because there’s increased competition when you look at the place of work,”
“changes in society,”
“increase when you look at the level of working mothers put pressure on the family…”
As you can see, I’ve got quite a few points here. And so I might cut them down and only utilize the ones most strongly related my example.
And my example (once again) is totally invented however it’s believable. Here it is:
“Studies in the United States (US) show that families with two full-time parents are more inclined to separate.”
“Therefore, this shows that choosing the balance is incredibly difficult.”
Because of this. It’s this that i believe.
They’re more prone to separate. Full time, lots of stress, it’s going to be difficult.
Paragraph two, possible solutions.
Possible solutions. Here, I’ve just gone for something that fitted…
I was included with my example first, after which I thought “Okay, i could opt for this route.”
First I was thinking of France having a working week that is 35-hour.
(that will be quite outrageous if you’re from the UK and from the United states to get this done. even)
(Due to the culture that individuals have there into the UK).
So that the solution could be:
Regulations from the government.
Government could legislate for increasing maternity leave.
More working that is flexible.
Reduced working week.
The government proposed and implemented a 35-hour working week. for example, “In France”
Also, large amount of collocations there.
“flexible working practices”
Make use of these. Once you get in special vocabulary that you’re only planning to find speaking about this topic.
So we’ve done a few questions regarding globalization, also touching on the environment.
We’ve done a couple of about education.
Now, we’re going to do one about… Well, a differnt one about equality.
“Nowadays both men and women fork out a lot of cash on beauty care. This is not so into the past.”
“What may be the real cause of the behavior?”
“Discuss the reasons and possible results.”
Now this 1 was tricky.
This one was tricky in my situation as it’s difficult to find the examples about this.
Particularly for 2 paragraphs.
Okay, it wasn’t difficult. It had been a bit more of a challenge and I need certainly to think more.
Nonetheless it’s important that the thinking is done by you process beforehand.
So let’s have a look at paragraph 1.
You the answers, try and think of some ideas yourself before I tell.
The more times you will do this,
the greater times you appear at a question
and think about examples,
think of arguments,
the simpler it gets.
Especially in connection with examples.
Especially if you invented the examples.
So my idea was basically marketing.
I’ll give you the relevant question again:
“Nowadays men and women fork out a lot of income on beauty care. This is not too when you look at the past.”
“What could be the root cause of this behavior?”
“Discuss the causes and possible results.”
My idea for paragraph 1:
Because of this, it is quite easy to think of examples ’cause we are confronted with publicity everyday.
So that it’s not that difficult.
“The beauty market for women will probably be worth millions, consumer goods companies see similar possibility of a man market.”
Yet again, just bullet points.
“Therefore developing new ranges, e.g. L’Oreal for Men Expert.”
“Therefore the reason is the possibility opportunity.”
“The female market for women is really worth millions.”
“The male market isn’t developed.”
“Therefore developing the market that is male we’ve practically doubled our sales.”
So let’s have a look at a number of the collocations.
“consumer goods companies”
And I can also say, “Consumer goods companies such as for example L’Oreal, Proctor and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson…”
“see the potential for male market”
For example, L’Oreal developed a professional.
If I set up all those ideas together within one cohesive paragraph…
And if you must know simple tips to write a cohesive paragraph, have a look at the sentence guide at
Because that provides you with just a really simple formula to use to drop your opinions in and presto.